WordPress Error | Sun Software (Private) Limited sunsoft.pk

Category: WordPress Error


How to fix the WordPress Memory Exhausted Error – Increase PHP Memory

This is a frequently encountered WordPress error, and you can swiftly resolve it by expanding the PHP memory limit in your WordPress configuration. In this guide, we will demonstrate the steps to address the WordPress memory exhausted error by adjusting the PHP memory limit. What Is the WordPress Memory Exhausted Error? WordPress is developed using


How to Fix Issues with White Text and Missing Buttons in the WordPress Visual Editor

Recently, a user encountered an unusual issue with their WordPress installation. While writing a post, they found that they couldn’t see the text as it appeared in white, rendering it invisible. Moreover, all the visual editor buttons were missing, and the option to switch from Visual to HTML was non-functional. In this guide, we will


How to Fix the Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress

This problem can arise in WordPress templates employing a two-column layout, where the content and a sidebar are intended to be displayed side by side. A minor code modification can lead to the sidebar incorrectly appearing below the content instead of alongside it. In this guide, we’ll demonstrate a straightforward solution to rectify the issue


How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error 

Learn how to fix the frustrating issue of WordPress posts returning a 404 error. Discover solutions to ensure your posts are accessible and resolve the ‘404 Not Found’ problem. Why Do WordPress Posts Return a 404 Error?WordPress, renowned for its robustness as a content management system (CMS), can sometimes throw a wrench into your plans